Fun With My Little Cousins

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I love it when my auntie brings her little brats over to play for the afternoon. One of my favorite things to do is have a fun bath playtime together. Their little cute bald cunnies are so soft and they love it when their big cousin Jenny teaches them all about how to masturbate. We all get loaded into the tub, soap up and start having fun. I bring my little tiny waterproof vibrator and show them how much it tickles to have your clit teased. They splash around with joy and excitement. I go from little one to little one, helping them reach climax over and over again. Kissing their itty bitty little puffy nipples and showing them my beautiful parts as well. They’ve never seen a big grown up cock before though- why don’t you stop by this evening after I put them to bed so we can have some super fun with the beautiful little angels?

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