Fucking aunt Victoria is what my nephew plans to do during his winter break. I must share him with my sister, but every chance he gets, he will come and get some auntie pussy. I think a lot of boys who lust unsuccessfully for their mothers, settle for their aunts. And I think sisters who fuck their nephews often do so to spite their sibling. I was fucking my son and my daughter, long before my nephew. It was not that I did not want to fuck my nephew. He was a handsome boy. I was afraid of my sister. We may both be hot, but we are about as different as night and day. She is a devout Mormon. Uber religious and I have no doubt she would have had me arrested. He is 18 now, so some of the pressure is off me, but we still think she would go ballistic if she found out about all the incest sex we have had since he was a super young teen boy. I seduced him in large part because of the sibling rivalry. My sister is older, more successful and a bit of a superior bitch. She was not nice to me when I was younger. Sure, she is a nicer adult, but I still harbor some resentment towards her. I love being a dirty aunt, but part of it was because I liked having a secret from her. I liked knowing that her horny son was coming to me for all his sexual needs. Now that he is in college, we no longer get our weekly fuck. But he is home for a few weeks, and we will make up for lost time. I will enjoy being near him on Christmas with my shrew of a sister there too. He takes good care of his aunt when we are together, but that is because I thought him all his skills.