Fucking Aunt MaryAnne in the Shower

fucking auntFucking aunt Maryanne heated up the shower this morning. We were all running late, so while my boys were eating breakfast, I hopped in the shower. My niece joined me. That was a smart idea for me, but not smart for trying to get everyone to school on time. She is mesmerized by my body, much like my sons. Girls are always curious about a woman’s body. She has seen me naked many times, but today she was more inquisitive. She touched my boobs and asked me if hers would ever get that big. She touched my pussy and asked if she would ever have hair down there and flaps. She tugged on my inner pussy lips as she called them flaps. I told her she has them too, but she is not a mommy yet, so nothing has stretched them out yet making them look like flaps. Her questions were making me wet. Wetter I mean because I was in the shower! I started rubbing her bald slit. I knew I was driving her to school when she started licking my sexy mommy pussy. The boys busted in on us and my girl time was interrupted by three horny lads who wanted to be late to school because they were fucking mommy. Been a long time since I had shower sex, and this was a first for fitting 5 bodies in my shower at once. We made quite the mess out of my bathroom, but boy did we have a hot morning. I drove everyone to school just before first bell rang. I came back home, cleaned up my bathroom and masturbated thinking of my niece’s young body. I don’t have a daughter, but if I did, she would be just like her. I can still taste her cunnie on my lips.

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