Follow the Leader

Sexy Mommy

The little one is getting to be such a thrill. As I was enjoying myself with my friend she decided to come in and watch mommy.   This time as he was eating my pussy and I was moaning in pleasure she came right in and watched.  That didn’t stop him from enjoying my sweet juices.  However he was not going to be the only one tasting on this super wet juicy pussy.  The little doll joined right in and started going at it with him.  It was like a feeding frenzy for them both.  She followed everything he did.  It was really cute to watch.  When he started sucking my tits she was right beside him sucking the other one.  My little doll really could keep up.  He was an animal at oral and loved tasting me.  So for this tiny tike to keep up with him was simply amazing.  She is going to be great as time goes on maybe even better than me.  I love my little Doll.

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