Family Time

kinky phone sex camillaWe are all running around like chickens with our heads cut off. Half naked in the summer heat. All of us over flowing with excitement as we plan for our annual family vacation. We always go to the same beach every year. The condo is plenty big enough for the entire family and the fact that it is on a nude beach with plenty of other families is a bonus. There is one family that vacations the same time we do and they are into family fun just like we are. They are similar in age to a lot of our family members and for the last few years we have come together for some interesting incest fun. This year I have a new idea for our naked twister game on family fun night. It is going to be Messy naked twister. I got a bunch of vanilla pudding that I am going to color with food coloring to match the dots on the twister pad. I am going to pour a pile of the colored pudding on each dot and when we play not only will we be naked but it will be slippery and when we end up sliding we will be covered in pudding that we can lick off each other. It is going to be a fun night for all!

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