Family fun phone sex on Game Night

Well  the opening of Hockey season is sneaking up on us as are many family fun phone sex nights. I can’t wait for the opening game I’ll be dragging the munchkins off to the first game and they always have a great time with the mascots. We actually all enjoy the Toronto Maple Leafs mascot Carlton the Bear a bunch. The munchkins have a total furby fetish and all these life sized furry critters excite the lolitas.

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We always get season tickets and make most of the games and we’ll really enjoy the Monday night game and an indulgent dose of family fun phone sex. I have never been a huge sports fan, however after having had a few male “friends” that played Hockey I’ve grown fond of it. Not so much of the game but more fond of the guys playing.

The muscular legs and those tight buns just get my nipples hard. It’s so exciting watching the offspring flirt and pet the furry mascots too! My brats have such a good time when they get to be in the middle of all these furry mascots and taking care of the critters if you know what I mean *wink*.  I’ve hosted a few parties having these guys at the hotel and making a hot mess in that room with all the naughty things we manage to get going.

This season is going to be a total blast. I have managed to sneak the munchkins back into the locker room and they love playing with the sweaty ice skaters and making them all cum before they leave the locker room. My lil’ ones are a couple of fine sluts and are learning to enjoy sports. The sluts are enjoying things like all the hard work these guys put into their bodies. The girlies are all about  draining the protein that builds up in their balls, and know they are doing a good thing for the team. 

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