Family Fun Phone Sex

family fun phonesex camillaWhen my brother and I were younger and all our friends were playing house and doctor and cowboys and indians, we had a game of our very own. It all started when we found a box in our parents room that was locked. Curiosity damned near killed us for several weeks before we had a chance to get back to it and get into it. What we found inside changed our lives. And even now recalling it, my pussy is so wet that I will need to change my panties in a minute. Inside the box were several home made movies. At that time there was no VHS or Betta Max, they were reel to reel movies. We pulled out the movie machine and hooked the first movie up. Carefully threading the film through it’s array of slots. Aiming the projector at the white wall we turned off the lights and the familiar hum of the machine filled the room. And then big as life in front of us was our parents fucking like porn stars. I remember thinking my dad’s dick was the size of a snake and mom was fucking it for all it was worth. Something stirred in both of us and while I eyes were on the screen our hands were in our pants. We both decided that day that we had to try all of it and film it too. After all imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, or so they say. I don’t know where my brother got the camera and projector, but he had both in no time flat. We took them up to our tree fort and started filming right away. We would film for hours and late at night when our parents were asleep we would watch our movies and fuck each other. We were playing porn star while our friends played lame ass games. The tradition lives on only now we play as adults and his boys, my nephews have joined in on the fun phonesex movie

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