Family FUN

sexy MommyThe Family Reunion is going better than I expected! I had NO idea the family had grown so much! There are so many little ones running around naked and looking so damn good! Of course I do love to show off my sweet little whores just like all the other mommies here! So we decided to have a little Beauty pageant! We set it up off the back deck. So all the little ones could strut and pose for us. Of course it is only fair that all the sluts are NAKED! We didn’t plan on the event and some whores didn’t have special clothes! I especially loved the talent contest! There were 3 categories! Best blow jobs which included who much cum you could swallow. Who could take the biggest cock. And last 2nd rounders! There is a true talent to get a cock hard again and again! After it has exploded! It took two full days of activities to determine the winner. Which was my very one little girl Margaret. She was neck and neck with Bridgette the entire contest! But my sneaky little girl pulled out the win with Grandps Nicolas. You see he is VERY old! And hasn’t had a hard on in YEARS! And my sweet little Margaret was able to get him hard and sucked on his cock for damn near and hour before he shot his first load in years! And my good slut sucked it all down! We were all so proud and clapped and cheered! I am such a proud mommy!

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