Family Fucking Is My Favorite

family fucking

I have no idea why people are so up in arms about members of the family fucking each other. I, for one, have fucked pretty much all of my male relatives. Dick is dick. And just look at me – you KNOW I must come from a hot family. All you have to do is take one look at me and you know that! And it’s not just me who fucks the other family members. Let’s just say that our family get-togethers always end up with pretty much everyone naked after the  brats and grandparents go to bed. There’s even been some girl on girl action going on from time to time and the guys love that. That’s why I’m extremely happy that the holidays are coming up. That means there will be lots of opportunities to fuck around with any man in my family that I want. I’m by far the most popular and I assume that’s because I am the best fuck. There’s nothing I won’t do for my guys and they know that. Group sex is a very common thing because I can only handle three cocks at a time. But you’d best believe all the guys have their eyes on me, no matter who they’re fucking.


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