Family Fucking with Lilly and Her long lost Brother

family fucking

I’m sure you all know about the family fucking that happens in my family. We all like to have a little fun every once in a while. This last weekend was a big family gathering since our dad had passed away. Everyone from across the country showed up.

Almost all of us knew each other because we our family has always been really close. As I was sitting talking to my one of my aunts, this beautiful muscle car pulled up. We all thought he was part of the catering company. When this young hot stud got out of the car, everyone stopped and stared at him.

He was literally the spitting image of our Daddy who had just passed away. I couldn’t help but stare. Of course, I thought this couldn’t be true at all. He introduced himself to my mouther. He told her his name was James, and he had been told by his mother a few years back that his father was still alive but that he didn’t have the courage to find him.

Last week though, he had seen a picture of him in the paper. The obituary had said there was going to a family gathering here at our parents’ home. He figured it was better late than never to finally come meet his long-lost family. Of course, my fucking aunt couldn’t help but introduce him to everyone but me.

I’m going to find a way into his pants

I had to find a way to get to him before the party was over, he reminded me so much of Daddy. I sat in silence remember all those times when I was younger when that Daddy and I had so much fun together. All those nights alone with him, touching my beautiful body.

I was going to miss Daddy so much. He made me feel like such a good nasty little girl. Seeing this long-lost brother of mine made me think I might be able to relive all of that. All those times daddy got to fuck my pregnant pussy. Meeting this new brother of mine is definitely going to be a lot of fun for me, I just can’t wait! 

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