Daddys Girl Gets licked and sticked

daddys girl phone sex

We all know that my daddy is the dirty old p-man! It was he who moved all his incest loving male family members out to the boondocks so he could have free range of young ass and pussy. And well a little family needs brats to make it bigger. In the last generation daddy and my Uncle have bred out all of their offspring and now are moving on to the next set pf young girls. I am proud to be to his top young breeder now. My girls popped out when I was just a wee one myself practically.  Don’t think that daddy neglects me now though. Last night when he came home all sweaty from the truck, I had his clothes laid out and the shower just hot enough for him. I helped him undress and washed him in the shower. He pulled me in and hugged me so tight telling me how he wished I was his wife. He wanted to take me out on the town and pretend I was his lady. He fingered my little cunt and smacked my ass and told me to go get ready. We would have to drive three cities away but if that’s what daddy wanted he would get. Plus I could use a night off from my own young ones. Mommy was so jealous when he told her we were going on a date. We never even made it out the door though. Right in front of my mommy and our youngsters’ daddy pushed me on the couch to show his love and affection. He pulled my skirt off and my panties down and licked my teen pussy so good that I was begging him to fuck me. Mommy couldn’t stay mad at daddy and got between y legs and helped lick me while his daddy cock went in and out of me giving me another sweet and hot load to my young womb.

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