Daddy Punishes Me

Pain Slut Phone Sex

I came home and walked past you on my way to my room. That’s when you saw what I had worn out of the house. Not even noticing your glare or that you were following me a few paces back. It was just you and me at home, Daddy. I shut my door behind me and sat on my bed. Shortly after, you opened the door, closing it behind you, and stood by my bed, asking if that was what I wore today. Giggling, I tell you of course, but my smile soon faded as you smacked me across the face. Good girls don’t wear such provocative clothes, and you said you knew I was out fucking around with some boy. Tearing off my panties and hiking up my skirt, you pulled out your cock and jammed it inside my ass, making me scream and cry. I’m sorry, Daddy, I promise I wasn’t with any boys! But it doesn’t matter. You needed to teach me a lesson about being a slut and punish me for my bad behavior. Fucking me harder and harder with your thick rod, you pushed my tear stained face into the bed as you blew your load of cum deep inside my asshole. I laid crying in the bed when you grabbed me by my hair and forced me to clean it off. I’ll never be a naughty girl again, Daddy, I promise!

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