Daddy Needed for Cumming Arrival

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It won’t be long now. Her daddy got sick of waiting, and we need a new daddy now. He went off to play with one of his other little ones and has left us all alone. But I don’t care. I know this tiny one will be picture perfect. Soft skin, wrapped every so gently in a pink blanket. Smelling of powder and innocence. A fresh, new flower just for you, her new daddy. You can make her yours with one touch of your fingers. We can unwrap her together, as a happy family, so blessed with a beautiful bundle to play with. Tiny everything, fingers, hands, feet, and of course cunny. Laying helpless and happy in her new bassinet. You tell me she is perfect, and I fill with pride because you are so pleased.

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Ever so slowly, peel back the fleece blanket. Look at her little parts. Remove her diaper and let her be free and feel the air surrounding her gorgeous little frame. I love the way her legs just naturally fall to the sides, as if she knows what she was put here to do. Her little pussy is perfectly pink, matching her blanket and shines up at your smiling, hungry face. Your cock swells even larger than my pride and you know I have made the perfect girl for you. You run your fingers down her little chest, touched in a dirty way for the first time. You tickle her little pussy and she squirms. Yes, she knows that she is loved and getting such a treat to be played with by her new daddy. I can’t help but touch her too. My breasts are engorged and they start to leak with just the thought of her tiny mouth suckling as you watch and play with us both.

I spread her tiny lips for you, barely big enough to place your fingertip inside. You are so gentle as you caress her and bring your finger to your mouth for the first taste. I look on as the milk starts coming through my shirt. You touch and taste this as well. The back to the new princess. You let her taste your finger and she naturally begins to suckle at the taste of milk that remains. She sucks your finger the way she will learn to suck your cock. She is a fast learner, I can tell already. You let her continue to suck as I play with her tiny pussy. This is the day I am dreaming of, I can hardly wait for it to come true. Where are you daddy? I need you here to make plans for her arrival, and we don’t have much time. I want her to see your cock inside me while she is still in there. I want her to come out already craving it. Please cum soon daddy….

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