Daddy likes sucking and smoking


Daddy, you are a lot of fun and I have a blast when we play our pretend roleplay make believe people. *giggles* I like pretending that I am all grown up like a big girl and do naughty, bad things with you, Daddy. I just love how you want me to be sweet and cute one day. Then the next day, you want me to be naughty and a bad girl. *giggles* Like how last weekend you told me to dress up all pretty like I am going to a big girl party with short, tight clothes, lots of make up, and Mommy’s high heels that I found in the back of the closet. Now I am all pretty for you Daddy and I am ready to play our game of me being your pretty woman date that smokes your cigarettes. You make me feel so good when I get down on my knees and suck on your big, fat cigar in your pants. It taste so creamy in my mouth. Ok Daddy I can suck on your cigar while I puff on your cigaret. I love it how you watch me, Daddy. You make me feel like a big girl. *giggles* 

* Here are some super duper specials just for you, Daddy! *

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