Crossdressing Sissy

sissy phonesex darlaI love our Tinkerbell transvestite. Our cross dressing sissy fairy princess. She so hates her pretend man life and wants to be a real girl just like all of the superior females here at Fuckalicious. Marissa decided to make our poopoo pansy a you tube sensation. Right now her you tube site is private and only those of us that are privileged can see her in all her sissy glory. But soon she might be the next viral sensation. After watching our little fagot fairy last night in all her you tube glory I had the best dream about her.  In my dream our Fuckalicious fairy had displeased Mistress Levi in the worst possible way. Mistress Levi was so angry that she gave Marissa permission to make the you tube site public and with in a matter of hours our cross dressing mascot had become a sensation. She was famous, everyone loved her. I however was not pleased with this. I do not like to see Mistress Levi upset and our Tinkerbell transvestite’s fame just made me angry. So I set into motion a plan to make sure that our poopoo pansy got exactly the opposite of what her little heart desires. I went to a friend of mine who is a physician and bought some male enhancement drugs, steroids. I flew to our little fairy princess’s home town and made sure to gain access to her office at her pretend man job. I set up cameras every where and then began to plant the drugs daily so that  with every passing day our little fairy became more masculine. Her little clitty began to grow into a monstrous appendage that disgusted and repulsed her. her, facial hair began to thicken and her voice became deep and macho. Our fairy princess cried and became so distraught over this turn of events and I had it all on camera. I was going to add it to our little fairies you tube site and let the world see how you are punished by the superior females here at Fuckalicious when you displease one of us. I was going to turn her fame into public humiliation and shame in the worst possible way.  Ahh but alas it was all a dream and our fairy Princess had been a good little girl and all I could do was watch her you tube site  in private for now.

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