Brother/Sister phone sex with Kenya and her youngins gets kinky!

Brother/Sister phone sex is one of my favorites because I love watching my freaky off spring fuck and play with each other’s growing private parts. My little cum crazy rugrats like to play at night when they think I am sleeping. Unknowingly to them, I have caught on to their naughty secret and I watch them play their dirty game.

Brother/Sister phone sex

The other night, I was expecting my standing dick appointment to come over, so I got my dirty rugrats ready for bed early. I bathed, kissed, and snuggled all my little ones to bed and ran and got ready for my upcoming cock appointment. Fast forward a little bit, Daniel comes over and we down a few bottles of wine before we retreat to my room for some hot, heavy fucking. I hear one of my basement doors close, so Daniel and I investigate. We walk down the stairs and guess what we catch? My baby girl on her knees with my son’s cock down her throat. I was walking up to stop it, but Daniel grabbed my arm and stopped, I look down and noticed his dick was getting hard and I can see it starting to poke through his pants

We let them keep going. I see my son with his hands on my daughter’s head showing her how he wanted her to slurp on his dick like her favorite cherry flavored popsicle. Daniel wants to join in on the Sister fucking fun, so he walks up pulls his cock out, and joins in the family game. My young slut didn’t oblige, she wrapped her hand around her brother’s cock and started sucking on Daniel’s.

I slipped my finger in my pussy watching the scene and then joined. I got on my knees and started sucking on my son just like my baby girl. I guess she taught me something new!

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