Brother / Sister phone sex

Brother / Sister phone sex


Brother / sister phone sex is so much fun because it’s so naughty, but we don’t have to tell anyone, do we? I think you have been dreaming about this for a long time, and we just stepped into the perfect scenario. Mom and dad are away on a long trip, and I’m upstairs all alone in my room. I’m listening to music and watching a dirty video, so I don’t even hear you walk up the stairs.

                I finally look up and see you in the doorway, and I’m startled because I have my hands down my panties. You lick your lips and I ask you if you want to join me! You are very eager, and you walk through my doorway. I tell you we are going to have a little experiment.

                I tell you to drop your clothes all of them. Then I push you down onto the bed. I’m going to show you what your sister can do. I give you an amazing blowjob while you lick and suck my cunt. I’ll show you a lot more too.

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