Bathtime for Baby!

My girlfriend left  her tiny one here for me to  watch today. She knows what we planto doto our little girl when she arrives, and she is okay with me practicing on hers. She doesn’t have a man like you around, and her little princess  needs some real practice on how to be a sexy little angel. You should be home from work soon, and I have a huge surprise for you!

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Its bathtime! I’ve drawn the tub and used baby powder scented bubles. The water is nice and warm, and only a few inches deep. I want you to give this little angel her first real daddy-time bath. You get home, and I take you and her to the tib. You see the bubbles and the toys and instantly your cock gets hard. You strip down, as I take her tiny clothes off. You step into the tub and get all nice and sudsy.

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I hold her tiny naked perfect little body out to you, and you  run your fingers gently over her tiny pussy before taking her from me. She giggles and coo’s, like she somehow knows she is about to have the most fun bathtime ever. You lower her slowly down into the warm sweet smelling water, sitting her little naked ass in your lap on top of your hard cock. Your hands go under the water and I see you slowly washing her little cunny, getting it soapy and clean for playtime.

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She reaches and grasps your cock as it sticks up out of the bubbles, and you let her little head down so that she can suckle it as you soap the rest of her little body. I leave the room, so that you can finish bathtime with our little borrowed princess, and dream of the day when our little girl gets her first daddy bathtime with you….

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