Barely Legal Phone Sex Babe Demands Daddy’s Wallet

Barely Legal Phone SexThere are very few men consistently in my life that don’t know the power that my pretty young barely legal phone sex pussy holds. I have a very deep desire for all the best in the world. Those desires will be met and there is no if ands or buts about it. I will manipulate whatever Daddy I have to till they are like putty in my flawless hands. My Daddy tries to cop back at me every once in while by putting a spending limit up. That is when I know it is time to remind Daddy just how much he desires my young cunt. I love to leave mementos in his car, and my panties in his glove box. Soaking the crotch of them with that morning’s masturbation juices gets him nice and stiff. I can’t help but watch and cackle as he straightens the front of his trousers before pulling away. I call on lunch and whimper in his ear, and I suck hard on my afternoon snack of a fruit popsicle. He didn’t like that very much. However, when he comes into my room at night to sneak in a little snuggle time I will wiggle my butt and turn him down. He can’t handle it after day one imagine how he will feel a week from now. I am never getting a credit limit now. 

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