Bar Fly

Family fucking PatriciaI do like to go out and have a good time. And I wanted my little one to know what it was like. Of course they are to young to go to the club, so I had to bring the club to them! My friend Donna has a little building downtown. He is opening a new club in 2 weeks. And he was nice enough to set up a pre party for my pre adults to have some fun at! I was so excited. I ordered some stripper costumes I could easily tailor to fit my little whores! I did there hair and make up. Even found them some slut fuck me pumps to wear! They were so excited! I invited all my friends! And some more “families” joined in! So in all we had a club full of tiny tata’s and little cockletts! Mmmmm I was so damn turned on watching the girls mingle. The were even served drinks at the bar. It is never to EARLY to teach a bar fly to be a bar fly! BUT my favorite part of the evening was when the girls were lined up at the bar. Ass up and face down. Drunk and horny. Just like their mommy! And watching my little sluts take EVERY cock offered to them. And still ask for more! Just like their mommy! It was a perfect evening!

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