Baking cookies with mommy

It got so hot today as I was baking cookies for a little get together for my girls and her friends. We made chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies and we had a blast.  It ended up be so fucking hot from having the oven on and the air conditioner was broken so the girls and I just stripped and cooked the cookie naked. We had a little flour fight and rubbed butter all over each other smearing sweet sticky stuff on our bodies. I think the funnest part was clean up, we had gooey cookie dough all over the kitchen and our naked bodies, so we just had a giant licking fest to clean it up. I made sure we got every crack and crevice on each other, pussy, ass crack, titties, we got it all. After we were done with clean up of  our selves we had to wash the dishes, I had the girls lick the spoons and since we were so wet from all of the licking I used that spoon to playfully spank the girls and I used it to make me and them feel really good in other ways.


Sexy mommy


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