Baby’s First Aunt Phone Sex

My sister finally came to visit and I am so excited for baby to meet her auntie! My sister and I always had tons of fun together – we shared a room and of course ended up learning all about sex from each other. She is a little younger than me, so I remember back when she was really tiny and I played with her little body. At bedtime and in the bathtub, and I was always first to volunteer to change her diapers!

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Well, now its her turn, once her neice arrives, to get to play with a little one. I will happily share the little beauty with my favorite sister. In the meantime we want to do aunt phone sex with you. She needs to be told exactly how to play with a little one, since she has never had the chance. She licks my pussy so good though, since we have been doing that for years. I am so horny and to have her familiar tongue on my clit feels amazing.

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As soon as she walked in the door I spread my legs and showed her how different my body looks. She said I look beautiful and didn’t waste any time getting down between my legs and licking me just like when we were little. She even talked to my belly while she did it, telling my darling daughter that her auntie is here waiting for her and her tiny pussy too. She will make the best aunt to our gorgeous tot. They will have all kinds of fun playing and you can join in the big happy family!

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