Aunt Phone Sex for My Nephew’s Birthday

fucking auntFucking aunt Victoria, my nephew claims is his favorite thing to do. He will be heading back to college in a few weeks. Boy, the time sure does pass quickly. My pussy will miss his hard cock. So will I, of course. I have other younger lovers I see often, but with my nephew, it is extra taboo what we are doing. Why? Because of my sister.

Although I love my sister and so does her son, she is still a devout Mormon. She is a modern Mormon. My sister works and is currently single. After her husband died in a work accident, she never remarried. I left the church. But my sister stayed Mormon. She is too religious to understand incest or aunt phone sex. She does not even know what I do for a living. Although, my guess is she would be pissed off. But not as pissed off if she discovered what I do to her son every chance I get.

Sexy Aunt Victoria

I booked a hotel room for his birthday yesterday. My nephew turned 20. Hard to believe. Even though he is growing so fast, he still loves fucking me. But he still loves fucking me. I made it a special romantic night. Grown up fucking lol. Normally, we are sneaking around trying to hide the fact we are lovers anytime my sister is nearby. My son and daughter, and even my boyfriend know we fuck. Only my stuck up, religious freak of a sister is in the dark.

My nephew loved his birthday gift. We got to fuck in a huge walk-in shower. He even fucked me against a window that looked out over the city. Although the hotel room was not that big, we had incest sex in every nook and cranny of the room. We even fucked in the elevator going up to our room. However, I will not lie. My pussy and ass are sore today. But a little discomfort is nothing compared to all the joy I brought my horny nephew on his birthday.

aunt phone sex


    • Paul on August 1, 2023 at 10:09 am
    • Reply

    This is so hot……..and it reminds me of the special birthday I spent with my aunt when I was a young teen.

    • Paul on August 7, 2023 at 7:51 am
    • Reply

    This is so hot. It reminds me of a special birthday trip I took with my Aunt when I was a Young Teen.

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