Aunt Phone Sex Bombs with Nephew

Aunt Phone SexAunt phone sex just got wilder with this little nigger! Voluntarily I will tell you what I am not. I am not what you call a sex addict just a young woman who likes to explore options of the sexual persuasion and try different things. Especially as it relates to family and oh yes other partners who like to join in. There is something unique today about playing with my niece and nephew that you don’t get anywhere else and the one thing I will say is that you don’t want to fuck with me and my family unless on occasion that is you want to join us for some fun. Take this day for instance I was feeling pretty horny and my nephew had just got through swallowing my sugar sweet when the new arrival just decided to start hollering. Now over a week now we had been introducing her to the family recipe way of life and she was taking to it like a real champ.

     The more I think about it she was doing a lot better with the whole thing then my dumb ass nephew and as much as I loved fucking the shit out of him maybe it was my niece that needed to be having more of this cherry cream pie! I told myself that if my nephew didn’t do anything to impress me next go round that was it I was moving on the new arrival. Let me tell you this little bastard starts sweating pulling his little dick out panting and weaving and sticks it in Aunt Yolanda so quick and with so much thrust I could hardly breathe. He starts panting wildly and really fucking my ass. I would say good little one! It was on rare occasion I gave anyone a compliment for fucking in the family but he needed a reward for the way he was tearing into my ass with that mushroom head. Soon my twat was so sore I was begging him to stop but he wouldn’t this little motherfucker just kept right on fucking me non stop! As he was fucking me I noticed you by the door admiring his asshole well don’t be shy it was time for him to be plugged after all he had to learn didn’t he?

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