Another Snow Day Means More Mommy Sex for My Sons

mommy sexAnother snow day and more mommy sex. This artic vortex does not seem to want to leave our region. The cold more than the snow keeps my mother fuckers home from school. And I never mind having them around. But their cabin fever has them bouncing off the walls. So, I harness that energy they have for my pussy. They love to rabbit fuck mommy. And even without inclement weather they still love to fuck the shit out of me.

But when they have cabin fever, they fuck the shit out of me even more. And my pussy and ass love it. Young teen boys never go soft. And they always bounce back quickly. I’m sure that’s why so many mature sexy women take a younger lover. No husband can out fuck a teenage boy. Growing up in an incestuous family, turned me into a family fuck slut. So, if my boys want to all take a hole at once, I never say no.

Snow Days Turn My Mother Fuckers into Sex Machines

Before I had a chance to brush my teeth or even potty, I had three cocks thrusting in an out of my mouth, pussy and ass simultaneously. Even though they do not play together they never mind their balls touching when they fuck mommy. And I will be honest, I love the sound and feel of their cum filled balls smacking against me. Nothing makes my pussy purr harder than my three son’s throbbing cocks.

Being a dirty mommy comes with many perks. And to me the number one perk would be all the cum those young teen boys provide me with. No one cums more or harder than a teenage boy. And I am sure you remember your horny teen years and long to have the cock of your teen years back. So, that’s why this sexy mommy plans on enjoying their horny teen cocks as much as possible. I just hope I get more snows days. My horny mother fuckers are spoiling my cunt.

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