Ageplay Phone Sex with Tori: I LOVE Teasing Daddy

ageplay phone sex

Don’t fool yourself Daddy, you know that cute little girls like me don’t think smalls toys are as much fun to play with. Ever since we were very, very tiny it’s been embedded into our minds. How would that be possible if it weren’t true? Obviously, you don’t fit in that catorgory at all Daddy. Not even close! At least you know you can fit in any hole, no matter how small it is. I guess that’s the only upside to having an itty bitty dickie like yours.
It must be upsetting a lot of the time though. Even the tighest cunny probably feels loose to you. Whenever you’re balls deep inside my juicy little pussy, I can hardly feel a thing. But you already knew that, didn’t you? Why else would ask you everytime if it was “in yet”? It’s not like I have to say that because you hear it all the time, not just with me either. I just love seeing your face turn red. I know you can’t help how big you’re teenie weenie is Daddy, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be ashamed of it.

ageplay phone sex

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