Ageplay phone sex gets that cock leaking and just oozing cum

                Ageplay phone sex gets that cock leaking and just oozing cum. Now get over here and join us for that hot girl on girl action. My daughter and I are hot as fuck. Want to hear about when she was younger? Then we will role play together, or you will sit down with your cock out and I will tell you about when I started having sex with my little crotch goblin. How I made her into the woman she is today. At the same time be the brother in the role play.  

            Mother Abby sits down on that cock. For you see I made that cock. It belongs to me. That is how it works. In the 2 girl phone sex there is my daughter, and she likes to have the cock to and wanting to suck on brother’s cock. At the same time, she is good with smothering her brother by sitting on his face. Eat your sister out like a good son and brother would do.

            As long as we are both facing one another my daughter will lean in and start sucking on my boobs. Go ahead and play with your sisters’ boobs while she is sucking on mine. That is after all what they are there for.

            Making your cum quickly is our goal and flexing and doing a figure eight on your cock will have you orgasming immediately.

Ageplay phone sex

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