Ageplay phone sex at the park, daughter sucking dick

Ageplay phone sexI love my daughters and their Ageplay phone sex desires, they’re so cute and open to having fun with anyone I bring over. Today was different though, we went to the park and found a man who was leering at all the adorable trio of girls walking around and one of my daughter’s looked at me with her big, happy eyes, and announced that they must feel uncomfortable. I laughed a little with her, I knew exactly what she was thinking, and I gave her a nod, accepting what was going to happen. That was when she ran over and grabbed his hand. “You should come with me!” It was sudden and confusing and I could tell he wasn’t sure what to do about this particular Barely legal phone sex approach, but after a little incessant insisting and dragging, he did, he followed her right past some trees, past some bushes, and within a few moments they disappeared. I sat down on a wooden bench nearby with my other daughter, smiling like a loon as we both agreed to listen in and enjoy ourselves. We shared some nice glances, as we heard the odd groan and moan. I could tell she was sucking his cock hard, enjoying his musk and really playing with him. It’s always nice to know I’ve taught them so well that they can have fun whenever they want, on a whim, without a fuck to give except an actual fuck. Her lips sound wetly as she tried to mix the odd kiss with her bobs, worshiping his tip and playing with his balls. I know her hands are on that sack, fondling, playing, Domination phone sex while working him over while trying to pull his cum out of his jizz shoot like a jizz straw filled with yummy delight!

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