Ageplay phone sex as I watch the girls explore their bodies

Ageplay phone sexMy neighbor’s dad has a thing for younger girls. It’s my daughter’s friend’s father, I guess he has been fooling around with her tight cunnie for a while now.. I caught her with her legs spread showing my daughter her flustered hole. I do Ageplay phone sex for evening fun. When I saw that, all I could think of was all the dirty things we talked about.. OMG, her pretty little pussy has been penetrated.. I decided to let her spend a few nights! I figured she would teach my daughter how to be a freak… I can monitor them through her baby-monitor I have set up in her room.. I can’t wait to see them fooling around with each-other while you tell me how bad you want to put your cock in her single digit pussy.

I will be up all night, masturbating to the sight of those two rubbing their cunnies together. While reminiscing about all the Family fucking fun I used to have growing up.. I know they will! That’s how all girls start; they play around with each-other. What makes a Breeding whore? Experience, How do you think we get it?  Those pretty nipples get puffy from having cousins or friends secretly gnawing on them. It’ll help her pretty little tits grow! I am so horny to the thought alone, I will be watching them strip down completely naked out of their pajama wear.. I can’t wait to see them flick on the night lamp.. So they can spread their pussy lips and explore their divine bodies. I had Sex with my sister when I was younger, and would go down on one another.. I once sucked her clit so good she orgasmed  6 times in my mouth. Her clitoris was swollen because we were so young we didn’t know it would actually go back down. We thought you broke her clit LOL 

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