A Fairy Tale


sissy phonesex once upon……. in a land far away there was an enchanted forrest. The forrest was inhabited by beautiful fairies. The fairies lived happily, laughing and playing and doing all the  things happy fairies do. All the fairies were happy except one. This fairy was born a boy fairy but he wasn’t like the other boy fairies. He spent his days looking at the other girl fairies and wishing he could be like them. Under his fairy boy pants he wore panties that he had taken from a girl fairy. When the other fairies found out they called him Sissy Fairy. It was OK, Sissy Fairy knew this was the first step in becoming what she dreamed of all her life! But she wanted more, she wanted to come out to all the fairies. She wanted them to know how much of a girl fairy she really was. She wanted them to make fun of her, to laugh at her and shame her for what she was, what she always had been and always will be. Then one day the Superior Females invaded the forrest. Some of the females were Mommies, some were Mistresses, some were Chubbies, some were even Trannies. There were so many of them. They were all beautiful and strong and smart! Sissy Fairy wanted so badly to be just like them. It made her sad to know she never would be. Then Sissy Fairy saw her, she was standing there in the distance, the sun shining on her face from between the trees as if she was an angel sent from above. Sissy Fairy felt so small and insecure. She wanted to approach this Goddess that looked like a Princess. She wanted to serve her for the rest of her Sissy Fairy life. Days past and the Superior Females had befriended all the fairies. Finally Siissy Fairy aproahed this Goddess. The Goddess introduced herself as Mistress Levi. Sissy Fairy fell to her knees and begged Mistress Levi to allow her to serve her. Taking a likeing to Sissy Fairy, Mistress Levi accepted the offer. Mistress Levi was very strict but a good and fair Mistress for Sissy Fairy. Once a month Sissy Fairy was allowed to come out.sissy phonesex the end She was allowed to dress as a girl fairy all day long. All the other fairies would laugh at her. Some would stop her and take pictures of her. Sissy Fairy loved this gift from Mistress Levi, to be outed and shamed and humiliated just as a Sissy Fairy deserved. Sissy Fairy always did as Mistress Levi said. This made Mistrress Levi happy. It was a match made in heaven and Mistress Levi and Sissy Fairy lived happily ever after.sissy  phonesex sissy

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