A Chill Is In The Air

Kinky phone sexFall is upon us in full swing.  The early morning chill is wonderful.  At least to me it is.  Because of the temperature change, mornings in my household have been very interesting.  My sweet ones get out of their warm beds only to find that the warmth from beneath their blankets dissipates rather rapidly.  Soon they are saying that they are cold.  Little do they know that after they go to bed I turn the thermostat down a couple degrees.  I want them to feel the Autumn chill in the house.

You see, as they get older they spend more and more time with their friends, get more involved with school activities, and just want to find their own way in life.  They are becoming independent young adults.  This is fantastic for them, however, it means we simply do not have as much play time as before.  This saddens.  I have found though, when they get up and find that the house is a little colder that they quickly find their way to my bed.

A cuddle session turns into before school playtime.  Pretty little legs spread to welcome the warmth of Mommy’s mouth, cocks are exposed to enter into the heated depths of Mommy’s pussy.  My bed becomes a warming station.  Not only do they find themselves feeling happier as they go to school, but I in turn find my days much happier as well.  As there is the lingering sweet taste of my girls on my lips, the cum from my boys balls in my stomach, and the smell of Mommy on them as a reminder of their morning warm up that started their day.

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