Introduced to Incest sex with aunty

I was always used for Incest sex and now I love it. I am the family teacher. I help teach all the young cocks how to suck a milf cunt and how to fuck one too.

Incest sex

My youngest nephew has been using auntie’s stockings to jack his dicky off and he makes such a mess. Aunty stockings are always gooey and sticky after he leaves my room. I decided to let him finally have a try with a real cunty. Like usual he was wanking it to my stockings. I walked in with another sexy pair on and sat on the bed spreading my sexy aunty legs. When I called him to turn around, he jumped like a scared youngin caught with his hand in the cookie jar. My nephew’s mouth dropped to the floor. “Pick your mouth up and put it on aunties cunty young man”. He quickly scurried to me and sat in between my legs. His shy little tongue flickered over my clit, and I just grabbed his head and told him to lick aunties cunty faster. He did so well that I wrapped my leg and squeezed his dicky with the back of my knee. He didn’t stop licking aunty until I squirted all over his face. By then my stockings were gooey and dripping with his young man jizz. I told him from now on when he wants to cummy on aunty stockings he has to lick me first.

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