2 girl phone sex, teaching my son and daughter at the same time

2 girl phone sexSlurping down on his hard cock, I took in his moans and reveled in his overwhelmed expression. It was a fun day for me, always was when I was training my brats in one way or another, my boy in endurance and my girl in 2 girl phone sex. My sons need to be able to take a woman’s play and not blow their load in seconds. That’s a definitive requirement to be a boy of mine. I won’t be sending any of mine out into the world to be a disappointment to any lady. I stroked his length a little in between bobs, ensuring he didn’t have any downtime even while I gasped for air and watched him with a pleased expression. Sure I overindulged in that, could have given a little better, but he didn’t know the difference and what’s the fun in pressuring a boy who’s losing himself in every sloppy moment if I’m not enjoying myself waaaaay too much with family fucking! “You’re a good boy.” I reminded him, tittering happily while going deep. My throat was a gratitude-accepting whirlpool of bliss and cum. I knew he wouldn’t be able to take any given moment and recall it later because I was blocking out everything for him, causing a great big white expanse of pleasure overwhelming. That was before one considered the duo nature of the training. See, one of his sisters was also benefiting from this. Watching it go on, taking notes, and sucking hard on those balls of his. I heard every happy slurp and pop of her lips as she worked him over and took advantage of my movements to coordinate advanced attacks. Family should always support each-other and that means I’m not just training them to be studs and minx on their own, I’m also teaching them how to work together no matter what the occasion. As long as someone gets a thick load of jizz down their throat or in their cunt, what’s it matter who did the most work? Brother / Sister phone sex doesn’t get any hotter than drinking down cum my daughter helped me get.

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