Sister Fucking Weekends are The Best Time

sister fuckingSister fucking weekends are my favorite. I love fucking my sons. They are my little fuck slaves, but my incest life began with my siblings. My boys are with their father this weekend, leaving my niece and I home alone in a winter storm. We cannot go anywhere, so two of my brothers came to us. They arrived yesterday. There was no place more they want to be than with their baby sister and horny young niece. My baby brother has the biggest cock. My middle brother is decent sized too, but still a couple inches shy of his baby brother. This morning I woke up full of their cum. So did my niece. We had some family fucking fun as soon as they arrived yesterday. After some white knuckle driving on icy roads, they needed some stress release. My niece and I would have entertained each other this weekend, but it is much better to have cock in the house during a winter storm. Well, better to have cock in the house anytime if you ask me. My brothers are accustomed to tag teaming me together. Been that way for ions. My youngest brother and I are super close as I am less than a year older than him. My mother somehow got pregnant again right after she had me. We to this day joke that he is the milkman’s boy because we have a hard time believing our dad was fucking her right after she had me. Plus, his dick is the biggest in the family. Anyway, when I came along my two older brothers tag teamed me all the time. They fuck our niece much in the same way they did me when I was her age. Just like me, she loves the incest sex too. I am working this weekend, so if I sound out of breath, blame my brothers. Their only responsibility this weekend is taking care of me and our niece.

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