My Boys are Addicted to Mommy Sex

mommy sexMy boys cannot get enough mommy sex. Since they have been back from camping with their daddy, they have monopolized my holes. I had plans to work late last night, but they held me prisoner. I mean that in a fun way. They do not dominate mommy. I would never allow that. But I have missed their young and throbbing cocks, so it was not like I put up any kind of resistance. I would never really fight them off because I am just as addicted to their boy cocks as they are to my mommy pussy. I thought they were asleep last night. I had taken care of each boy before bed. They showered, fucked their sexy mommy and they crashed. I told myself I will sign on and take some calls now that they have settled down. I did not have to be up super early this morning because they have no school. I love late night callers too. But they woke up and had other plans. I did not end up signing on. Fine by me. Their cocks I guess are still backed up from a week with no release. Can you imagine going a week with not even touching your cock in your horny teen years? I bet you cannot even imagine that kind of torture, LOL. I am being dramatic because they have been telling me that since they do not know when their next dry spell might be, they want to make the most out of my mommy holes when they can. I can keep up with them. This mommy phone sex slut knows how to drain balls repeatedly. I joke that they should just never visit their father, but I would not want that. He sucked as a husband, but he is a good father. But I am a better parent because I let my horny boys drain their balls in me whenever they want. They kept me up all night again.

sexy mommy

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