Sexy Grandmas

sexy grandmasI think sexy grandmas are the new It girls. I was not ready to be a grandma when my daughter told me almost 3 years ago, she was pregnant. I was happy to have an addition to the family, but I struggled with the name grandma. My image of grandmas was not sexy. I suddenly thought people would think I was this blue haired lady with saggy tits who stays at home in her housecoat and slippers watching game shows all day. I may be a grandma, but I do not look old, and I will never act like the stereotypical grandma. I am going to be a sexy granny. Look at me? I bet you agree. My daughter came over last night. She wanted to talk to me. I was hoping that was code for wanted to fuck me. I am always horny for my baby girl, but we get less time together because of her mom duties. I understand it. Does not make me want her less though. She wanted her mommy to eat her pussy.  When I did, I knew what she wanted to tell me. I could taste it on her. A woman’s pussy tastes different when it’s pregnant. My daughter wanted to tell me she was making me a grandmother for the second time. I can handle the news much better now. I was thrilled. I ate her pregnant pussy until she exploded all over my face. Now, I asked her about the baby daddy. But like always there are a lot of suspects, LOL. My daughter is such a slut. She fucks her brother. He fathered my first grand angel. She fucks occasionally my boyfriend, and his son. Sometimes she fucks her first cousin who is my nephew. And she still has lovers from grad school, and she meets guys on Tinder. She cannot remember all the folks she has fucked in the past 16 weeks. I hope it is a family pregnancy, but it does not matter. We will love the next little one and raise him or her to be a family fun fan too. Maybe this time she will have a boy just for her mother to enjoy!

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