Family Fucking with my Nephew and His Daddy

family fuckingFamily fucking is more common than anyone thinks. My son and daughter are legal age, so I can brag out because it is not illegal. In fact, incest is not illegal unless the ones involved are under a certain age.  Then it is just taboo and immoral in some people’s mind. Incest is as old as time. Royal families have been inbreeding. Incest is mentioned in Greek literature, even the Bible. Incest is common and has been going on for ages. The only incest I am having that could get me in hot water is with my teen nephew. I have been worried about his father since he found out, but he has just been blackmailing me for sex. I think if I fuck my sister’s ex-husband, I can still fuck my teen nephew. Incest sex is too hot to give up without a fight. Turns out, my nephew’s daddy is driving for Uber to make extra money. My sister is bleeding him dry for support. I told her to forgive and fuck, but she would rather bankrupt him for revenge since he cheated on her. I am not fond of him, but my nephew is a natural fucker. He is a teen boy with a porn star cock. He inherited that from Daddy dearest. So, when I found myself in his Uber last night, he made me pay in pussy. I only have a few more years he can blackmail me for and although I hate anyone having the upper hand, he is an amazing fuck. I could ruin his relationship with his son if I wanted, but I prefer to just pay up since he has such a nice, thick cock. We fucked in all sorts of positions last night in his car. At one point, I thought I was fucking his cock, but it turned out to be the gear shift. He may think he is making me do something I don’t want, but fucking aunt Victoria is enjoying banging father and son.

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