Spare the rod, spoil the brat!

2 girl phone sexSpare the rod, spoil the brat. That is what my old granny used to say and she couldn’t have been more right! I have been entirely too lenient on Daisy and that has made her almost impossible to deal with! Well, all that bullshit stops now! I told Daisy that I was going to punish her and the little whore just laughed at me! She wasn’t laughing for long though because I grabbed her by her hair and pulled her across my lap and started spanking her with my bare hand. She was fighting me and honestly I think I was hurting my hand more than I was hurting her ass so I shoved her to the ground and told her to strip her fucking clothes off while I went to get a switch. She didn’t think that I was going to actually use that switch on her ass but after a few good blows she was singing a whole different tune, that’s for sure! She was begging me to stop and promising to be a good girl from here on out… lets hope she learned a lesson because if she didn’t next time I spank her she will be getting it much worse!

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