Happy Family Month Reunion 2016

kinky phone sex heatherYesterday and today marked our family reunion. :-D

Oh, it was awesome!

My brothers and I set it all up exactly how we had last year, I distracted the rest of the family while my brothers spiked every drink available.

This time, I got double penetrated in my anus, by both my brothers, while a cousin filled my pussy up with his cock. I had another female cousin kissing all over my tits, face, and mouth. I glanced over a few times to see my mom and dad each taking a nice hard cock to the bum, and I remember smiling before my own attention was diverted by the glorious man meat presented for my sucking pleasure.

Amazingly, I don’t know what happened, but my chemical-savvy brother messed up his algorithm this time, and everyone remembers. And they all loved it!!! They want to do it every year, if not twice a year!! It turns out they each have been loving each other regularly for years among their own individual families, and this just seriously upped everyone’s sex drive tremendously! We got props!

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