Sissy Shame

kinky phone sex SissyOh how Harley and I love our PooPoo Pansy. We are looking forward to all the fun we will have this year watching what she does for Sissy days. Seeing all the pretty new clothes she buys and the pretty new jingly jangly jewlery she will wear. Harley just loves Sissy and watches close as Sissy becomes the New Years permanent punishment pansy for all the girlies here at Fuckalicious. Harley is learning from Sissy that some day she will grow up and beg and plead for humiliation and even have to pay for it from superior females just like our favorite Fairy Faggot does. Harley also knows public humiliation and shame every time we go out in public and someone points out that Harley is a little cross dressing Sissy. Harley knows that just like Sissy she deserves public ridicule, perpetual teasing and Sissy shame. But because Piggy Pet is Harley’s hero with a little bitty dickie just like hers, she looks forward to all that is yet to cum. What a wonderful example Sissy sets for all the young and up and cumming Sissies out there that are watching their favorite Tinkerbell’s every sachet, her every twirl and curtsy. It is going to be a sissy kind of year for us all!mommy phone sex sissy

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