Sexy Mommy MaryAnne Gives the Boys an Anatomy Lesson

sexy mommy MaryanneSexy mommy MaryAnne is what my sons’ friends all call me. They love to hang out at our house. I know it is because I am a hot MILF. And it might have something to do with the fact that I walk around naked flaunting my hot body for those young ones to see. How will they learn about human anatomy if they don’t see the real thing? A woman’s body, a real woman’s body, looks so different live than in a magazine or porn film. I am not airbrushed, or sporting a fake tan. I am 100% real woman with some fine lines, stretch marks and scars. My sons had friends over to spend the night Friday. I pranced around in my birthday suit for them to see. Funny, no one wanted to play video games. They all wanted me to give them an anatomy lesson. I spread my pink puss for them. Told them all the clinical names, then said all they needed to know for now was clit, cunt, pussy and ass. I let them touch and even lick my mommy parts. Well, of course this gave them little stiffies in their pants. I sucked them all off so they wouldn’t hurt themselves with blue balls. After our little lesson, they wanted to play games. I of course had to go in my room and fuck myself with my dildo until I came. I love teaching young boys about a woman’s body, just always gets me super horny!

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