Big Brother Taught Me A Hard Lesson

Incest Phone Sex

Why do you spend so much time alone in your room big brother? It seems like the very second that you come home from school, you run into your room and slam the door shut and lock it! I have to find out what you’re doing in there for so long. You seemed like you were really in a hurry today and you forgot to shut the door all the way and lock it. That was perfect timing cause I was walking down the hall to my room when I saw your door cracked open just the tiniest bit. I walked on tip toes and when I got right next to the door and leaned close I could hear moaning sounds. I pushed the door open a tiny bit more and I saw you sitting there on your bed looking at something on your laptop and jerking off! A big gasp came out of my mouth and I started giggling before I could stop myself.

You got up grabbed me by the wrist and tugged me into the room, locking the door behind us. I tried to stop laughing but I couldn’t resist taunting you about how you’ve been spending so much time jerking off cause you can’t find a real girl to fuck you. I bet you even have one of those ridiculous blow up dolls don’t you? I guess the blow up doll comment was taking it a little too far cause that’s when you pulled my shorts right down off of me and ripped my panties off too. Then you shoved me back onto the bed and slapped me across the face with your hard dick. I couldn’t believe that even with me catching you and laughing at you, you were still just as hard as you were when I was spying on you from the doorway. I tried to tell you to stop but mom and dad weren’t home to hear me and you were horny. You said that since I had interrupted you jerking off that I was going to have to finish the job. You pried my thighs open and rammed your dick inside my tight little pussy. I tried to push you off but you didn’t move you just kept pumping away until you were ready to cum. Then you pulled your throbbing cock out and blew your messy sticky load all over my face. I definitely learned my lesson to never spy on you or laugh at you ever again.

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