Someday I Will Be…

mommy phone sex darlaA superior female just like you….yeah right, in your dreams Sissy. But I know that is your dream because imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and you look so cute in your playboy bunny costume.  All the jingly jangly jewelry you an buy, All the pretty frilly dresses you can acquire. All the visits to the beauty parlor for waxing and eye brows and manicures. And still you dress in those silly man clothes every day. You go to that man job and talk in that ridiculous man voice. You tell people what to do and make them think you are a real man. You play golf and go to country clubs and dinners and act like you belong. We all know that you really love to dress up like a superior female and that you hide your real hearts desire from everyone. You can’t hide from us. We all know the real you. Should we tell the world all about your lump of shame and how good it feels to have it in your pretty panties. How it makes you want to rub your clitty with that poop. That that is why we call you a poo poo pansy. We love you Tinkerbell. You just keep on living your fake man life and we will try to keep your little secret. kinky phone sex sissy

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