Daddy’s Visit

incest phone sex dorisI was out shopping when Inez called my cell to tell me that there was a man there looking for me. When she started telling me how fucking hot he was and that she could see the biggest bulge in his pants as he looked at her, I could hear the excitement in her voice and my pussy was getting wet with hers. She knows the rules we don’t play with out the other so she knew not to take it where she wanted until I got home. I had no idea who this mystery man was but I knew that the prospect of fucking him with my daughter had me all worked up. I quickly cut my shopping spree short and got int he car to head home for some fun. Imagine my surprise when I opened the door and was face to face with Inez’s daddy. Standing there just as hot and sexy as the last time I saw him, the dick I remembered was pushing against the cloth of his jeans and the old spark came alive as if he had never left. He didn’t know that I had gotten pregnant and that Inez was his. He also didn’t know that I was about to use him and send him on his way and he didn’t need to know. All he needed to know was that he was going to fuck me and this lovely young girl and I was going to delight in fucking his balls off while watching him fuck his little girl!

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