Playing Greased Twister at the Nudist Colony

Kinky Phone SexWhen I was younger, I lived on the corner of a four way intersection. My best girlfriend lived right next door to me so we would get dropped off from the bus together. Then the bus went up the hill and we always wondered where it was going. My parents told us to never go up there.

We heard rumors that there was a nudist colony up there and always said that we were going to sneak in someday!

Well, it was the first hot day of summer and we were sitting on the porch, board out of our minds so we thought we would head up there and see what it was all about.

When we got there, we hopped the fence and took off our clothes and stashed them behind a bush. We saw a group of naked people flocked around something and cheering so we squeezed our way through the exposed flesh to see what it was all about.

You will never believe what we saw! Right in the middle of all those people were my parents leading a game of greased twister!

I love greased Twister! We play all the time at home and I am the best! When my dad saw me, he called me over to show everyone how it was done!

Of course the best part is when my dad “slips” and ends up with a face full of pussy or I got a loaded cock in my little honey pot.

So I went over and my mom slicked me all up with oil and then we both grabbed a guy from the crowd and made sure he was slippery from head to toe!

The guy I picked must have played before because he was really good. So I decided if I was going to get a piece of him, I was going to have to play dirty so I kicked out his ankle and it did the trick!

As soon as his face smacked into my slippery cunny, I grabbed his head and didn’t let go! To my surprise, he didn’t put up much of a fight!

Before I knew it, half the crowd was all lubed up and slipping in and out! There were tits and ass and cocks and balls everywhere you placed a foot or hand!

I can’t remember the last time I was filled with so many fuck sticks!

Pretty soon everyone was so covered in cream that you couldn’t move without slipping into someones cunt or ass!

It was the best game ever! Now I go every Saturday and lead the game! Hopefully this week, we can get even more players!

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