Little Dickey

sissy phone sex sissy1My little Harley/ Hailey loves our Sissy Mascot. She tells me so all the time. Making me take her to Sissy’s very own Fuckalicious page so she can look at all the pretty pictures of Sissy and read all the stories about her. That is where she saw all the songs that our Sissy Fairy Fag has and she begged me to write one for her. So I wrote a wonderful nursery rhyme for my sweet little sissy, Harley. Of course since it was inspired by her idol, Sissy, how could I not share this with her? After all Harley is going to grow up and be just like her some day. All dressed in frilly dresses with big gold hoop earrings, feeling so pretty.  In fact I have been thinking about giving Harley sissy days just like our Tinkerbell Transvestite. Sissy loves going out in public, the attention, people taking pictures, pointing and laughing at her. Harley wouldn’t get that reaction just yet. She is to young, no one can tell she is really a boy when she dressed up like Hailey and goes out. But when she gets older she is going to be just like our very own Piggy Pet. I know for Sissy her sissy days are part of her humiliation and shame, but somewhere out there among all the laughing adults is a little boy that wants to let his little girl out and he is looking at sissy with the same admiration that my Harley does. So here is the debut of the Little Dickey nursery rhyme, Harley’s first and one of many that Sissy has, enjoy~Mommy Darla loves you girls!

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 Little Dickey

Rub, Rub , Rub your clit

Little as can be

Merrily merrily merrily

Squirty squirt for me

Twirl twirl twirl around

Pretty as can be

Prissy prissy prissy

Curtsy once for me

Curtsy curtsy curtsy low

Knee to the ground

Sissy sissy sissy

Open up your mouth

Prance prance prance around

Skipping as you go

Bouncy bouncy bouncy

Go your lovely locks

Rub rub rub your dick

Little as it may be

Tiny tiny tiny

Pinch it once for me

What is that between your legs

A dick that you can’t see

I think you are a girly girl

That is why you love to twirl

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