I Miss Sissy

sissy fairy fag6It has been such a long long time since I have written about Sissy. And even longer since I have heard her sweet sissy voice. I know that Princess Levi has been keeping Sissy busy and has been dishing out humiliation and shame just like Sissy deserves. I saw this t-shirt and thought of how pretty Sissy would look in a tight fitting t-shirt like this with a cute little mini skirt, a pair of heels and big hoop earnings. It  made me think that Sissy should get some glitter and the next time Princess gives her a Sissy day she should have to wear the outfit I described. When Sissy gets home, if she is a real good girl maybe Princess will let sissy be a PooPoo Pansy and play with her little tiny clitty covered in poo. But Sissy would have to buy some glitter and cover her clitty in glitter so that it mixes with her poo and she can say that her new shirt is accurate. That our Fairy Faggot does actual poop glitter. Princess might even be nice enough to let Sissy squirty squirt . Just thinking about it makes me giggle. What a sight that would be! incest phone sex darla

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