Kinky Phone Sex Stories with MaryAnne

kinky phone sex mommyWe all have kinky phone sex stories to share, right? Some of them even embarrassing. Personally, I love a good sex gone wrong story. I’ll share first! A few weeks ago, I got trapped by winter storm Thor. I had serious cabin fever. Luckily my boys had been home with me for a good solid week, which meant mommy had a sloppy wet cunt. Those boys are an endless supply of cum for my pussy! The pipes froze at one point, so I couldn’t even shower.  I was covered in jizz. Matted in my hair, glistening off my boobs, running out my cunt…  In the middle of a fuck session with my oldest boy, there was a knock on the door. I tried to ignore it because I was in no condition to answer the door cover in jizz and smelling of day old sex.

Whomever was at the door was relentless, so I put on a robe and shoved a but plug up my cunt to keep the cum from gushing down my thighs. I’m sure I looked like a dirty old whore. It was two Mormon boys spreading their gospel. Close to two feet of snow on the ground, most of the city without power or water, and these barely legal boys were walking around knee deep in  snow to share the word of Christ? I’ve only got dedication like that for cock and boy batter.

sexy mommy incest queenI listened to their spiel out of awe for their perseverance, but declined to join the book of Mormon unless I could marry all three of my sons. I turned to go back in the house as I was freezing and the latch that holds my robe belt got stuck on the door knob yanking my robe off. So I’m standing butt naked except for my boots in front of two young Mormons who I’m pretty sure have never seen a rack a day in their life, let alone a snatch. I have some morals, not many granted, so  I hurried to pick up my robe which was now on the ground. I somehow slipped on a patch of ice, landed on my back with a boom, dislodging my but plug from my cum drenched cunt.  Like a volcano erupts, cum spewed out of my cunt when I landed on my back. I was literally pissing out cum in front of two virgin boys. As if that wasn’t humiliating enough, that jizz coated butt plug flew through the air like a bird in flight, hitting one them square in the forehead.

They stood there with their jaws dangling, speechless and in shock. These boys didn’t know dirty MILFS like me existed in the world. My sons sure do though. They heard the ruckus, came out and saw the mess.  Of course they helped me up, but they were laughing at the dirty whore who ruined the Mormon boys for nice clean girls. It’s okay however, I think clean wholesome girls are overrated, don’t you?

If you like trashy MILFS like me, check out our sister site filled with trashy whores, The Fornication Station.


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