Our Favorite Bedtime Story

family fucking lillySome people think that the twins are to old for bedtime stories. But when you have a family fucking, incest loving, hot and sexy mommy like me, bedtime stories are just the start of a wonderfully kinky night filled with family fucking fun.
You already knew that didn’t you?
Their all time favorite bedtime story is the tale of Little Red Riding Hood. Mikey is always the Big Bad Wolf and Michelle is Red. We tell the tale at least once a month with one hard dick and two wet cunnies.
As the story goes, in our house, Red is skipping through he forest with a basket of goodies on her way to Grandmas house. A short way into her journey an adorable and fluffy little rabbit hops across her path. “Oh dear Red, I am so glad I hopped into you. The Big Bad Wolf is out looking for you. He is telling everyone in the forest that he will find you and when he does he is going to pull your little red hood off, pull your little red panties down and fuck your little red socks off. Please be careful Red.”
Laughing at the adorable rabbit, Red replies, “Don’t worry my furry little friend. I am a big girl and I can take care of myself. The Big Bad Wolf won’t get me, I assure you.” Reaching in her basket she gives the rabbit a carrot and carries on with her journey.
Soon a beautiful blue bird lands on Red’s shoulder with another warning. “Red my dear, The Big Bad Wolf is on the hunt for you. His eyes are red with lust and he has plans for you. He intends to rip your beautiful red hood off, pull your silky red panties off and fuck your lacy red socks off.”
Giggling at the beautiful blue bird Red replies. “Worry not my feathered friend, I will be fine. But I must get to Grandma and give her these goodies.” Reaching in her basket she pulls out a chunk of freshly baked bread and gives it to the Blue Bird before skipping off deeper into the woods.
Soon she reaches Grandma’s cabin and enters while humming a tune. To her dismay The Big Bad Wolf is waiting for her.
Licking his lips he approaches her. Speaking in a low and menacing voice he says, “Red my love, I have been waiting for you. Now that you have arrived I intend to rip that deep red, flowing cape from your tender body. I am going to tear those sweet and silky red panties from your bald and wet pussy and then I am going to give you my rock hard cock and fuck your little socks off making you scream my name and beg me for more. Do not try to resist for you will not escape my advances.”
Smiling sweetly Red reaches in her basket for a sweet and juicy red and ripe strawberry. Seductively she licks her lips before biting the berry and letting it’s juices drip down her chin. She is purposely taunting the Big Bad Wolf and playing off his desire. Finishing the sweet berry she reaches out her hand and purrs her reply in a soft and husky tone.
“Dear Wolf you silly boy, you will do no such thing. No matter what you may desire. Yes I am going to remove my flowing cape. Then I am going to hike up my sexy red skirt and pull down my silky red panties. Then my dear Wolf you are going to get down to business and eat me like it says in the book.”
And they all lived Happily Ever After……..family fucking red

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