Dashing Through The Snow….

milf phone sex bdsm sliegh……In a BDSM sleigh….holding whips and chains….cumming all the way….gagged and all their knees….pussies that are tight….what fun it is to S&M on this Christmas Night…

OK I will stop. I just can’t help it I saw this picture last night and have been making arrangements all day. Tomorrow night on Christmas Eve this is the sleigh and reindeer that will be pulling up to my house. After my little sex slaves help me finish wrapping presents and put them under the tree it is going to be a BDSM orgy like this pussy has never seen!

I won’t need mistletoe or eggnog. What I will need is lots of toys meant for dominating my reindeer and ensuring that they do exactly what I want them to do. None of them will be allowed to cum until I am completely satisfied and that is going to take a while I guarantee you!

It hasn’t been easy or cheap to arrange but I deserve an extra special Christmas present and I will have it tomorrow night while Harley is fast asleep.

Ho ho ho…Merry Cockmas to me!milf phone sex darla

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